Etsy History

Etsy was founded in the year 2005. The company has been operational for almost 14 years now. The founders of the company were Jared Tarbell, Robert Kalin, Haim Schoppik and Chris Maguire. In the first year of the company, it had attracted attention for frequently adding new tools and functionality to the site to help sellers gain more exposure and traffic, including Adobe Flash-based visualizations and taxonomy of various types categories with tags. Etsy had passed almost $1.7 million in sales in May 2007. The same year, Etsy had its one-millionth sale and anticipated its two-millionth sale would occur by mid of December 2007.

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Etsy Corporate Founder

Founder: Robert Kalin, Chris Maguire, Haim Schoppik and Jared Tarbell

Etsy Corporate Official Address

Address: 117 Adams St
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Etsy Corporate Contact Details